Pregnancy: All About the Third Trimester

What to expect during week 29-40, the last and most exciting stage of your pregnancy.

Third Trimester: Week 29-40

Your Emotional Changes

The last trimester of your pregnancy is always filled with mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety. You worry about how you will handle the labour and delivery, if the baby will be alright and your new role as a mother. It is natural to feel worried about these issues; talking and sharing your fears with your spouse can help a lot.

If you haven't done so already, you may want to enrol in a childbirth class, where you can learn more about labour and delivery, and get to meet other moms-to-be who probably share the same worries as you.

Talking to other women with birth experiences also help. You may also hear a lot of old wives tales about delivery and confinement from well-meaning people. However, take these advices with a pinch of salt. If you have any doubts, always consult your doctor as he can address your questions best.

  • Labour & Childbirth: Delivering Your Baby

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