Baby Immunization Chart

Find out what immunization jabs your child needs and when.
Vaccine-Preventable Childhood Disease:


Poliomyelitis is an acute, contagious viral disease of the central nervous system which can be transmitted easily via contaminated food or water. The disease typically affects very young children with 80-90% of cases occurring in children under 3 years of age. In the majority of cases the disease produces only mild illness like fever, sore throat and nausea.

However, if the virus enters the brain and spinal cord, the disease may result in paralysis. The most commonly affected muscles are in the legs.

Vaccine-Preventable Childhood Disease:


Hib disease is caused by Haemophilus influenza type B bacteria, most frequently affecting children under 5 years of age. Hib is transmitted through airborne saliva droplets or secretions, similar to how common cold is spread. It can enter the blood stream and cause life-threatening infections like meningitis, pneumonia and epiglottitis (inflammation of the epiglottis - the small thin flap of cartilage behind the tongue).

Hib meningitis is the most common and serious manifestation of invasive Hib disease. Nearly 1 in 20 children who get meningitis dies. 15 to 30% of children who survived develop neurological handicap such as mental retardation, language disorders, hearing loss, seizure disorders, motor abnormalities and visual impairment.

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