Natural Family Planning

An overview of how this natural method of contraception works.
The idea behind natural family planning is to prevent conception by avoiding sexual intimacy during a woman's fertile period (during ovulation). Learn more about this natural birth control method.

Natural Family Planning

Natural family planning, or fertility awareness, is a natural method of contraception which makes use of the fact that the occurrence of fertility in a woman is always accompanied by the secretion of a particular type of mucus from the glands of the cervix as well as a rise in body temperature. The mucus symptom develops ahead of ovulation and gives warning of the approach of ovulation while the rise in body temperature indicates that she has ovulated. These changes would indicate that she is fertile.

Therefore, avoiding sexual intimacy during this period means that there is less chance of pregnancy occurring. When used correctly, the pregnancy rates for natural family planning average 1 to 1.5%.

Natural family planning can also help achieve pregnancy by understanding the fertility cycle better and learning when the probability of conceiving is the highest. If you want to learn more about natural family planning, you are strongly advised to seek the guidance of a professional healthcare provider.
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