"Help, I'm Prone To Yeast Infections"
This is embarrassing, but I'm very prone to vaginal yeast infections. Is there anything I can do to prevent it?
Vaginal yeast infections are actually very common among adult women. 75 percent of all woman will experience it at least once in their lifetime, and up to 45 percent twice or more.
That said, if you experience recurring yeast infections, it's important to consult your gynecologist. Multiple yeast infections are often the first sign of diabetes in women, as yeast flourishes if blood sugar is high. Also, certain medications, such as birth control pills and antibiotics, may cause vaginal yeast infections. Once your doctor has ruled out all these factors, there are several things you can do to cut back your risk of another unpleasant infection.
Don't douche...
Douching can disrupt the natural balance of your vaginal flora, encouraging Candida fungus to overgrow and cause a vaginal infection. Your vagina is self-cleaning, so there's no need to douche, anyway.
Avoid certain feminine products...
Such as deodorant tampons and feminine cleansers. Also, avoid wearing pads or using tampons for extended periods of time.
Wear light, breathable undies...
Go for all-cotton underwear. Tight clothing and undergarments made of synthetic materials should also be avoided. These clothes can trap heat and moisture, creating an environment in which yeast can thrive.