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Filling up on high-salt, high-sugar and high-fat foods can tamper with our tastebuds and make us accustomed to the rich flavors. One of the best ways to gain control over your diet is to restore your sensitivity to the more subtle, natural flavors of whole foods.
If making a sudden switch to natural foods sounds unpalatable, you can ease into it gradually, suggests Dr. Susan Albers, a psychologist who specializes in eating and weight loss issues and author of Eat, Drink And Be Mindful. For instance, if you don't immediately like the taste of skim milk, go from whole to 2 percent to 1 percent to skim. The same goes for lemonade -- use progressively less sugar into each pitcher you make. "When people start to pay more attention to the taste of food and begin eating healthier, they become aware of feeling sickened by foods that are too sweet, processed, or greasy," adds Albers.
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